Grandfather Time, An Elder Wise and Bold Who holds Space, For Young and Old Where by Grace of movement and Creation Life and death are born in imagination
Neither Life or Death could exist If grandfather Time would not persist To hold his arms high and wide For all Cycles of Time to Abide
In Speech we have embedded Spells of Time our Infinite shredded In Fractals of Limitations and Believes Where we ourselves our own thieves
Silence is the Key for Grandfather Time Assisted by Quietness and Peace Words can exist when Silence is present The Vessel Time for Words to be in ease
Time is a Dimension for Space to exist Where Space is creation for Time to be seen Both Dance harmonious in Infinite Cycles Present, Past, Future, all are One with Time
How great we are in the Light of the Sun Infinite never ending, never begun What defines Space, without Grandfather Time Is it your perspective, or is it only Mine?
When Cycles are seen within the temporal flow All what has ever been and ever will be known Can be seen when perceived with the Eye of Silence Can be Felt when Loved with the Heart Of Thine
We Remember what we have seeded In other cycles of times unfold Reaping the fruits of our labor Sharing Stories of Times un told
The Heart Beat as Centre Divine For Life and Death beyond Time, For Silence and Sound Within Space for beginning and End of Time, in Grace
Timeless Blessings from the Sacred Space of the Heart, Willka Sunquqñan Sacred Path of the Heart Ka Wae Wae Ka Tao