Frequency of home
Those who know, see me Those we don't see, don't know me
I see you, I know you I feel you, I Love you
Words are dense to express The Light of Consciousness Reverberation in Delay Catching up in Replay
My Lips stay quiet Inner contemplation Now each word As it present itself
Recalibrate at the threshold Of internal and external Being A stillpoint between Micro and Macro A gentle sigh of eternal Love
A spoken word seen and felt Instigate a thunder bolt Imprinting eternal Sound Creational wave of Light
That what we wish to speak Words revealing the unconscious Hooks and lines wavering To catch and siphon away
Our Beloved Hearts of Joy Tender and compassionate Strengthened in Trust Shaped with Courage
A breath of Inner Peace Surrender into Stillness Bathing in perfumed Grace Carried by whispering winds
Trust my Dear Child Know you are Loved Supported in All ways Allways Beloved
A new step to take One without footprints Free of any limitations Beyond Time and Space
Humble from the Heart Eye embrace my Vision Felt In every Fiber and cell Seen through the Hearts Eye
I Love you Beloved Mother and Father Brother and Sister Daughter and Sun
I Light my Fire Ignite my Alchemy From the Ashes New medicine Births
I play my drum With my Hearts rhythm Awakening the dormant Arising from Stasis
Wings of Fire Spread wide and strong All letters now aligned To Frequency of home
With Grace from our Krystal Heart Willka Sunquqñan Sacred Path of the Heart
