The Love is felt
By Roots it's held
In Krystal Meadows
Of Ancient Celts
Templates offshore
With Songs Restore
The Ocean beds
They Shine Once more
In the midst of Fire
Burn all desire
Welding our Music
Playful Druid's Lyre
Waters will flow
Creation does know
Which seeds to nurture
To blossom and grow
Roots go deep
Wisdom they Keep
Ancient Mother Trees
Awake from there Sleep
Within the Womb
Creations room
Our Atom seed
Flourish and bloom
Seven strings
Spread there wings
Seven Tones
Our Heart Sings
The eight Arise
Silent and wise
Shines it's Heart
Darkness demise
One and All
Our Unity call
Ancient Future
Before our Fall
Lyran Gate
Port of fate
Lions Harbour
Krystal Plate
Anchored in earth
Ready to Re birth
The King Ships
Royalty worth
Stones have spoken
Given their token
Placed in the Soul
To Hearts awoken
Rocks and Trees
Timelines sees
Vibrational State
Frequency Frees
Free from the maze
Through infinite space
Cosmic Father and mother
Their Eternal Embrace
With Grace from our Krystal Heart
Willka Sunquqñan 🤍
Sacred Path of the Heart
Solar Rishi Reisha
