Timeless is the present moment
Timeless is the Heart that shines
Timeless is the vision of compassion
Timeless is a song that sings
When hearts unit, there is no time
There is only creation from the heart
Infinite possibilities of eternal blossoming
Where hearts unit, the eternal flame burns
The innocent look of a child
Smiling at the wonders of life
Radiating with eternal love
Pure light with a gracious smile
The light of the Sun
Shines through the veil of illusion
Finding it's way to your core
Enlightens your heart and soul
The strings of old believes
Will be played and moved
By the infinite Love of creation
Releasing the false notes of existence
You truly want to sing your song
surrender to the guidance of the Heart
Let your love for life guide you
Out of the world of deception
That what is not yours never will be
And that what is yours allways is there
The destination created by false believes
Keeps you away from your hearts desires
Embrace the opportunity of change
It's imminent and allways continues
There where the waters flow freely
Is where life will flourish the most
Let the waters purify the false desires
And open the portal of the Heart
Where the river of love flows freely
Cleansing the forgetfulness of time
Great Central Sun of the Heart
Your light shines straight through the veil
No curtain or lie can hide us from your love
Only humbleness and gratitude will remain
Time will tell a story unheard-of
Human kind will never be the same
With the memory of our lessons
We will create the heavens on earth again
Añay Añay
Willka Sunquqñan
Sacred Path of the Heart
Ka wae wae ka tao