At the End is where it all begun
In the void with mother's Song
So gentle end so tender
A Sound not even to be hearth
Without any form or gender
Where no planet yet was birth
A Flash in an instant occurred
Before any being it was observed
Playfully creation came in
Source essence birthing in sight
And danced with song as a twin
A whirling spiral of Divine Light
Where the dance ignites the Bliss
And light and sound weave all that is
They are kept in a loving embrace
In the playground where it unfolds
By Father Time and mother space
Where unconditional Love upholds
The flower of life in plain sight
Unfolding petals with sound and light
Creating precious life and shape
With her spirit and strength
All Divine form she can take
In all Directions with any length
Words cannot express
How creation effortless
Weaves her threads of gold
In to a beautiful design
For all creation to behold
With eyes of the divine
Only that what can be felt
In the darkest moments can be held
Embraced within our whole being
With divine love we then can start
In the light of Love and new seeing
Our sacred path of the Heart
Willka Sunquqñan,
Sacred path of the Heart
Añay, Añay, Añay, Añay
