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Willka Sunquqñan, Sacred Path of the Heart Ceremonies

Writer's picture: Willka SunquqnanWillka Sunquqnan

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

UK. Ely 3rd and 10th of July

Scotland, Kincardine 15th 16th 17th July

Wales, Llanwrtyd Wells 22nd July

A blessed presence beloved,

As more layers are peeled away, more information will be revealed. Comming in to our awareness that what no longer is in resonance with ourselves, with our being.

The importance of grounding ourselves and integrating properly our new insights and expanded awareness, becomes more relevant each and every day.

To bring All back in to the centre, balancing, releasing.

Plant medicine can be a beautifull assistance in this process of finding ourselves again on solid ground, strong foundation and a clear view of the path ahead of us.

I am opening a space for Sunday the 3th and Sunday the 10th of July, to come and sit with grandfather wachuma, to align yourself again with your highest purpose. In a beautifull private place surrounded by nature, close to Ely, UK.

I am opening space for the following:

UK, Ely

3rd of July Sunday, 10:00am – 22:00pm, Wachuma Ceremony

10th of July Sunday, 10:00am – 22:00pm, Wachuma Ceremony

Scotland, Kincardine, 15th - 17th July:

15th of July Friday evening, 19:00 - 22:00 pm, Circle of the word

16th of July Saterday, 11:00am – 16:00pm, Rapé Ceremony

16th of July Saturday, 18:00pm - 22:00 pm, Cacao Ceremony

17th of July Sunday, 09:00am – 21:00pm, Wachuma Ceremony

Wales. Llanwrtyd Wells

22nd July, Friday 09:00am – 21:00pm, Wachuma Ceremony

The Wachuma ceremony will be all day, 10am-10pm, and contains many different aspects and possibilities to adress various Parts of yourself and bring them all in to your Heart and centre, together in sacred circle and comunity, to rejuvenate and re energise,

With teachings of different paths, avalon, inka and lemurian codes, Dragon teachings, Q'eros despacho (offering of gratitude) wisdom sharing, music, Hapé'h, delicious organic soup cooked on our sacred fire. A beautifull sunset corner to experience a unique sunset. Their is a possibility to stay for the night after ceremony,

A safe space, hold with integrity and honesty.

These ceremonies are in small groups, more privacy and personal attention, to be able to realy connect with yourself, which means that there are limited spaces, six in total each Sunday.

If you feel this resonates within yourself and feel that you're ready to take a step into a new Experience, to assist you in taking back control of your life, wright me a message for more detailed information, preparation, what to bring and location.

A blessing and a joy it is, to be

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

Ka Wae Wae Ka Tao

3rd and 10th of July, Sunday, Ely, UK

10:00am - 22:00pm

Wachuma Ceremony

The ceremony will be all day, 10am-10pm, and contains many different aspects and possibilities to adress various Parts of yourself and bring them all in to your Heart and centre, together in sacred circle and comunity, to rejuvenate and re energise, With teachings of different paths, avalon, inka and lemurian codes, Dragon teachings, Q'eros despacho (offering of gratitude) wisdom sharing, music, Hapé'h, delicious organic soup cooked on our sacred fire. A beautifull sunset corner to experience a unique sunset. Their is a possibility to stay for the night after ceremony,

A safe space, hold with integrity and honesty. These ceremonies are in small groups, more privacy and personal attention, to be able to realy connect with yourself, which means that there are limited spaces, six in total each Sunday. If you feel this resonates within yourself and feel that you're ready to take a step into a new Experience, to assist you in taking back control of your life, wright me a message for more detailed information, preparation, what to bring and location.

Energy Exchange:

Suggested exchange £200

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

15th of July Friday evening, Scotland, Kincardine

19:00 - 22:00 pm

Circle of the word

An introduction circle and a circle of the word. Sharing my experiences and how I integrated the lessons and teachings of Life. Willka Sunquqñan is the name that I use in Quechua, which means Sacred Path of the Heart. 12 years I have lived in the Andes of Peru, which ignited a change in my life and perception of it. Teachings of the Inka's, the Q'eros, plant medicines, also Lemuria and Avalon,

We are accompanied by grandfather Fire and welcoming all with an open heart in a space created with love and service.

Energy Exchange:

Conscious donation from the Heart

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

16th of July Saturday, Scotland, Kincardine

# 11:00 - 16:00

Rapé Ceremony

Beautifull spirit of grandfather tabaco, assisting in organising and aligning our energy channels, cleansing and grounding, in to our centre in this horizontal plane, honouring the 4 directions, and the 4 pilar of fysical manifestation, grandfather grandmother, water, wind, earth, fire.

Romé Poto, Hapé'h, Murundi, Nunu.

Different names for the magical alchemy between grandfather tabaco and the different ashes that are used from Trees, plants, herbs or seeds.

Helping to align our mind with our Heart, quieting the mental distraction, balancing our breathing in to our presence, cleansing energetically, physically and emotionally.

We are accompanied by grandfather Fire and welcoming all with an open heart in a space created with love and service.

Energy Exchange:

Suggested exchange £55

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

16th of July Saturday, Scotland, Kincardine

# 18:00 - 22:00

Cacao Ceremony

The Feminine spirit of Cacao, Mama Cacao, She brings us nourishment and the motherly guidance of allowing our inner child to emerge, to play to dance, to release our limitations of expressing our true self, to speak and share with confidence and embrace the beauty of life that we are. Sharing music, wisdom and experiences to assist in integrating the profound changes that we are experiencing individually and collectively, with the direction of Empowering, Embracing, Nourishing, Healing, Loving, ComUnifying.

We are accompanied by grandfather Romeo poto and welcoming all with an open heart in a space created with love and service.

Energy Exchange:

Suggested exchange £44

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

17th of July Sunday. Scotland, Kincardine

09:00 - 21:00

Wachuma Ceremony

With respect and gratitude we present this beautiful Opportunity to sit with the magic, the love and guidance of grandfather wachuma, Cactus plant medicine and high spirit of our cosmos, to help to align ourselves with our higher purpose, integrating all time lines, bringing the past and future in to the present, to remember who we truly are, our origin, our essence.

All day in the beautiful forest we create a harmonious and secure space to go deep within one self, connecting with our cosmic mother and father, expanding awareness to bring lost parts of ourselves in to our presence and centre. Reclaiming our true lineage, our true inner power and guidance.

We are accompanied by grandfather Fire, Magical Forest, and welcoming all with an open heart in a space created with love and service.

Energy Exchange:

Suggested exchange £150

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

22nd of July Friday, Wales, Llanwrtyd Wells

09:00am - 21:00pm

Wachuma Ceremony

With respect and gratitude we present this beautiful Opportunity to sit with the magic, the love and guidance of grandfather wachuma, Cactus plant medicine and high spirit of our cosmos, to help to align ourselves with our higher purpose, integrating all time lines, bringing the past and future in to the present, to remember who we truly are, our origin, our essence.

All day in the beautiful mountains of wales, we create a harmonious and secure space to go deep within one self, connecting with our cosmic mother and father, expanding awareness to bring lost parts of ourselves in to our presence and centre. Reclaiming our true lineage, our true inner power and guidance.

We are accompanied by grandfather Fire, Sacred Dragon Lands, and welcoming all with an open heart in a space created with love and service.

Energy Exchange:

Suggested exchange £150

Some requirements for the ceremony:

• Empty stomach in the mornings (only a bit of water or tea). So no breakfast

• Bring some fruits, nuts, or other, to share at the end of the ceremony.

• Bring some flowers for the altar

• Rain poncho/ warm clothes for later in the afternoon.

• Preparation physical: 3 days no alcohol, drugs, medications, healthy food, no meat, abstain from sexual activity.

• Preparation Mentally: Meditation, Setting Intention,

• Preparation Energetically: NO discussions, TV, intense movies, loud music, lessening judgments.

Contemplate on what you would like to heal and release within yourself, present or

past life situations; what energies or experiences to be transmuted into


The healing power of the Wachuma cactus is really profound, it will work its way around the core of your being where deep emotional patterns are hidden. It moves the stuck energy and help to feel ourselves and to connect to ourselves, where we feel the connection with the nature around us from within.

The medicine of Wachuma is very good for treatments and healing of Alzheimer, Anxiety, the nervous systems, Madness, Addictions, Impotency, Depressions, Childhood Trauma, helps with the process of Griefing, self-acceptance, etc.

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

Contact and more detailed information:

Whatsapp/Telegram/Signal : +44 7759 819 619

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Sacred Path of the Heart

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