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Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

A deep, Compassionate Sense of Conscious Connection to Restore our Divine Inner Union through the Sacred Path of the Heart.

Willka Sunquqñan shares and offers a Space to assist in returning, reconnecting to our true essence, to guide and liberate us transcending from old paradigms, old programming, to embrace the incoming energies and available possibilities.

Releasing our tension from within, opening our hearts to the truth of Love, opening our connections,

opening the doorways to our source and the innate connections with our Cosmic Mother and Father as the Children of the Cosmos that we are, as the Children of Light that we are.

Willka Sunquqñan holds space to find our strength again, to feel our love again, to see with eyes of compassion and inner standing, awakening our inner wisdom and hearts connection.

Willka Sunquqñan creates space for acknowledgement of what is and release that what is no longer in aligned with our authentic expression and our original divine blueprint, to create that sacred space to breath again...

Willka Sunquqñan offers a sacred space for One and all, To come again in sacred alignment with the Law of One, to bring in alignment all aspects of ourselves, ancestors and guardians, our nature and sacred medicine, our physical and energetic body, our physical and etheric sacred divine temples.

Willka Sunquqñan brings in the sound and light, for transformation, for inner alchemy, to awake the spark of life within all...

Willka Sunquqñan, Sacred Path of the Heart to remember who we truly are...and to embrace Love, to embrace in Love, to embrace yourself, to be Love, Beloved. Love, respect, honour, remember,

We Are Guided by Our Sacred Krystal Heart, Law of One,

Unity Consciousness, Love Yourself, Love Others, Love Earth & Nature, Service to Others, Consciousness Expansion, Responsible Co-Creation.

God Sovereign Free

Many times we have practised, life and creation, in many different ways, in many dimensions and realities. Now we are here, now is the only moment where we make a choice, now is the divine moment and now is what connects us with all that is.

The present part of our linear time perspective is what we call… and that is our doorway to all other states of being and dimensions. You give permission to yourself for Transformation and healing to occur, Willka Sunquqñan holds space for that.
The choice is always fear...of letting go...embrace the unknown


You are all that you are.

If you feel that it's the time and the right moment for you, to step into a New paradigm of being,

you're welcome to join us.

When you feel aligned you can

Unite with Willka Sunquqñan, Sacred Path of the Heart. 

Newsletter and updates from the Heart.

At the bottom of the Page.

In Gratitude from our Sacred Krystal Heart

Willka Sunquqñan

Sacred Path of the Heart

(Medicina del Corazon)

"Medicine of the heart", any Ceremony initiated from the Heart, expressed in Love

(Palabra del Corazon)

"Word of the heart", any Written expression or Teaching shared from the Heart, expressed in Love

(Musica del Corazon)

"Music of the heart", any Musical expression shared from the Heart, expressed in Love

(Voz del Corazon)

"Voice of the heart", any expression or Teaching shared from the Heart, expressed in Love

(Arte del Corazon)

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